Getting Started with the Clean Keto Diet: A Simple Guide to Macros and More
Hey there, health-conscious readers! 🥑 Are you intrigued by the keto diet but wary of its reputation for excessive butter and bacon? Well, you’re in luck! In this blog post, we’re diving into the world of the clean keto diet– a healthier and more sustainable approach to the popular ketogenic diet. Let’s explore how to embark on this journey while paying attention to your macros! Before we start… If you are wondering what the benefits are to the Keto Diet, check this out. Clean Keto Unveiled The clean keto diet is a mindful spin on the traditional ketogenic diet. Instead of loading up on processed meats and saturated fats, clean…
Navigating the Keto Flu: Your Guide to a Smooth Transition
Hey there, health-conscious readers! If you’ve recently embarked on a Keto Diet journey, you might have come across the term “keto flu.” Don’t worry—it’s not a real flu! But it’s essential to understand what it is and how to navigate it as you transition to a ketogenic diet. Let’s dive in and learn how to breeze through this phase for a successful keto experience. Understanding the Keto Flu: What’s Happening? Picture this: you’re all excited to kickstart your keto diet, but suddenly you’re hit with feelings of fatigue, headache, nausea, and even irritability. And the irritability is a REAL thing! Even the sweetest little old lady at the checkout counter…
A Beginners Guide to Meditation: Cultivating a Sense of Inner Peace
Looking to get your mind right? Welcome friends to this beginners guide to meditation. In our insanely fast-paced and digitally-driven world, finding moments of stillness and inner calm can seem darn near impossible. We can get so caught up with “tasking” and just “getting through the day”, that we lose track of “checking in” with ourselves. And by the time we even think about it, it’s time to get to bed, to do it all over again tomorrow. However, learning how to meditate can offer a pathway to “tranquility” and self-awareness, allowing us to reconnect with our inner selves and bring a sense of peace into our lives. Meditation can…
Igniting the Flames: Top 6 Effective Strategies to Boost Your Metabolism
As we all know, a fast metabolism is often associated with increased energy levels, efficient calorie burning, and much easier weight management. While genetics, (thank you mom and dad) can play a role in determining your metabolic rate, there are various lifestyle choices and habits that can help supercharge your metabolism. In this post, we will explore science-backed strategies to speed up your metabolism and optimize your body’s calorie-burning potential. 1. Strength Training Incorporating regular strength training exercises into your fitness routine is a powerful way to boost your metabolism. Now I know for some women, the idea of lifting is an immediate turn off. For the record…NO… just because…
Exercise for Mental Well-being: Unlocking the Top 6 Powerful Benefits for Your Mental Health
When we think about exercise, we often focus on its physical benefits such as weight loss/ weight management and improved cardiovascular health. However, the impact of exercise extends far beyond our physical well-being. This is something that I try to impress upon my patients all the time. Engaging in regular physical activity has been shown to have remarkable benefits for our mental health. In this post, we will explore the profound mental health benefits of exercise and how incorporating physical activity into your routine can contribute to a happier, calmer, and more resilient mind. 1. Boosts Mood and Reduces Stress Got Stress?!? Exercise is a natural mood enhancer, capable of…
Is 2023 “Your” Year? Where to start? (5 steps to help you achieve your goals)
“This year is going to be my year. I can feel it!” How many times have we all said it??? (Don’t worry, I’ll wait) Each New Year is filled with the promise of new possibilities and new hopes for the future. We each have goals and milestones that we would love to achieve in our lifetimes. (besides winning the lotto)  What holds each of us back from our personal goals? It’s a serious question. What stops you? What is REALLY holding you back??? The answer may surprise… and possibly anger you. It’s YOU Hard Truth Yep, I said it… YOU (don’t hate me) It’s true, we can be our…
All hail Collagen!
Being a nurse practitioner, I was trained to be a woman of evidence-based practice. Which basically means, “show me the science.” I need something more than just someone’s opinion, or personal experience to sway me one way or the other. So when it came to collagen, it sounded like a great idea, but I needed to see some numbers. As we age, our skin changes and we are always told that it could have something to do with collagen production and the fact that it slows down as we age. So if we don’t have enough… Just get more right? Sounds simple enough. But what exactly is collagen… Collagen is…
The “overcomplicated” Basics
Where does it all start?