Fresh organic vegetables on rustic background
Fitness,  Nutrition

The “overcomplicated” Basics

The basics of Health and Wellness seem to be quite simple, don’t they? Diet and exercise. Super simple. But we, as a society, seem to have found a way to make it incredibly complicated.

Diet…sure… but what kind? Keto? Mediterranean? Paleo? Vegan? Low fat? Low salt? Gluten free? We have lost our ever-loving minds over this stuff.

Exercise… sure… but which is best? HIIT? Cardio only? Running? Biking? Hiking? Cross fit? Yoga? Weight training? Do you cross train and if so, how much? For real… We need to stop.

We have been bombarded by so much information coming from so many different sources, the news, social media (after all it has to be trendy), our friends, and family, that barista at Starbucks this morning. It’s maddening. We end up with paralysis by analysis because we don’t know where to start.

So where to begin???

I find that exercise is the easy part. There isn’t one “right” way to do it, or one ” perfect” answer. The best solution that I find is simply to try it all and find something that moves you. Sounds easy enough, right? But when I say, “moves you,” I mean your soul.

Something that you connect with. Something that you are going to get up and do because you know that it will not only burn the calories in your body, but also burn the “crazy” that can mill around in our minds sometimes. Trust me, exercise is just as much for the mind as it is for the body. (more on that later)

“Diets” in and of themselves are almost predestined to fail, aren’t they? The word itself oozes “negative connotation.” To me, it’s in the same category as other famous four-letter words in the english language, which we will not delve into just yet.

So instead, I like to think of it as a lifestyle switch. Something that you are doing for your own health and wellbeing because you know it’s good for you. And as far as which one is the best for you…They all have their benefits to be honest. And I will delve deep into those as well. You simply need to take some time and learn your body and figure out what works best for your body.

Because (while I am utterly certain that you have heard this before) …you truly are DIFFERENT. What works for your friend, your cousin, or even your sister, may NOT work for you. And that’s okay… there is NOTHING wrong with that. God made us each unique, and that includes our metabolisms, food sensitivities, and everything else that goes along with it. You are learning what works best for your body.

If you want to get serious, and very type A about this, and give yourself a serious leg up. Go see your PCP and get a checkup and some routine bloodwork. Check your cholesterol. What’s your blood pressure? How is your blood sugar? How much do you weigh? It will give you a fantastic place to start.

REMEMBER: When you are ready to get serious starting out or even starting again… These readings, these blood work results…are your STARTING point.


THIS is where you grow from!

THIS is your “step 1.”

THIS is your beginning!!

And God gives us a new one each day. So even if you are not perfect today, give yourself some Grace, and keep it pushing!


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